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on October 30, 2012 at 4:54:10 am

ileDesign Camp


Web Designing  Just set this up (January 11th) so that we can add more info about the event and allow everyone to add themselves and write down an idea of what they'd like to talk about.

Despite this wiki, we still ask that you RSVP on our Facebook Event car insurance quotes if you want to have a chance at getting a t-shirt for the event.


A lot of people in the design community have never been to a Barcamp so I think its only fitting to explain a bit about what a Barcamp is and how it is run.  You'll find that it is a lot of fun, and can lead to some very interesting discussions and networking opprotunities.  People come from all over to join in the free events know as Barcamps, or any variation of -xyz-Camp. 


What is a BarCamp?

BarCamp is what we call in the tech world an 'unconference'.  Why?  Because there is no set discussion topics or schedule of events until the attendees show up the morning of the event.  This leads to a variety of talks, and an all around good experience for the whole group.  There is generally 2 or 3 talks going on at the same time so that people can pick and choose the topics they want to listen too.  Yes occationally you will want to see two talks that are happening at the same time, but thats just the way things fall sometimes.

Proposed Shirt Design



Design Camp specifically is going to be organized with two tracks.  Two large rooms with stadium seating separated by a forum area for open discussions.  Below you will find a list of the currently proposed talks that will be given in blocks of 30 minutes of which you are welcome to ratio as much as you'd like to your presentation and your Q&A sections.  Its up to you how you use your 30 minutes, and its not unheard of that someone could give two presentations in a day. 


If you would like to present a topic, and I highly encourage you to do so if you have not been to this type of event before, then please add your topic to the list below with the title, your name, your company, and you can link to your site if you'd like.  If you've never used a wiki like this before then you can follow some of the links at the bottom of the page to get you started.  Its a snap!


I hope to see you hear and I can't wait to listen to any of your presentations!


-Michael Cummings




When and Where:


January 17, 2009 86pm : Design Camp at Astin Mansion, Bryan, TX
Interested in all things Design? Design Camp is for you! Come join us in Central Texas in the city of Bryan/College Station for a great event covering as many topics on design as we can fit in. Reasonable drive from Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

This hCalendar event brought to you by the hCalendar Creator.




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Coming from another town?  Carpool here to save you all money and get introduced to your fellow design freak friends!  Edit this section as needed to add where your coming from and if you have room, or if you would like to catch a ride from somewhere.  Its up to you to negotiate your ride situations but here should give people a place to look and get car shipping started for bed bugs nyc!




1. Silona @silona - has small pickup truck but would chip in for gas (and to be honest prefers people to chat with!)  doing the full day but wants to be back home in the evening.  You can email me silona  atta Silona.com  I live central austin right by campus.



  1. Christapher McElheney (@christapher) - Denton, TX, 4 seats, Leaving on Friday morning, dropping wife at work in Grapevine if you need a ride from that area. christapher@me.com






San Antonio





  1. Michael Cummings (@michaelcummings) of Dream In Pictures
  2. Aaron Belafonte - Belafonte Code, Method21
  3. Roby Fitzhenry (@robyfitzhenry) - Always Creative, Desired Hearts
  4. Austin Govella - work, blog, book, twitter
  5. Zaki Mirza @zaksaid
  6. Chris Pitre @chrispitre
  7. Meli Garcia @digitallatina
  8. Lakhena Im @je_suis_ici
  9. Ryan Plesko (@plesko): DFW UPA | Ascendio
  10. Molly Rodriguez @mollyjoon
  11. Jonathan Moeller - @jmole
  12. Adam Houghton - @adamhoughton
  13. Jessica Mullen (@jessicamullen)
  14. Kelly Cree (@kellycree)
  15. Christapher McElheney (@christapher)
  16. Matthew Justice (@meme)
  17. Will  - Rank Better SEO
  18. Ashley Johnston - Answer Blip Trivia 


Proposed Talks:


Topics you'd like to hear about:

  • Moving from print design to web design
  • Branding on a budget
  • What programmers really want from designers
  • What designers really want from programmers
  • How to be more creative
  • Pro-Bono: Is it really worth it and why?
  • How to run a (profitable) creative company
  • Creative Startups: How not to suck



Contact Us!

Twitter - @DesignCamp

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Website - http://designcamp.thecreativespace.org

Facebook - RSVP on our Facebook Event 



Thanks to our Sponsors

motion notes

MotionNotes is a platform for digital communication that lets you send rich, multimedia messages to friends (and prospects) via the web. Record a video introduction with your webcam and send with an attached Flash widget, picture slideshow, personal movie, or YouTube imbed. Post messages to Twitter or send to an email address. Email is static. MotionNote it!


inc spring

Incspring is the premier online supplier of original corporate brands to entrepreneurs and new businesses across the world. Our packages of brands, logos and domain names are put together by our community of professional designers and are available to download now!


always creative

Always Creative is a branding and design outfit in Bryan, Texas, lead by three creative minds who have an understanding of design, branding, and the web. Always Creative gives organizations a new vision for operating and enhances its marketing efforts. By understanding the essence of a brand, Always Creative sees your company for what it is and what it can become.


pop labs
monster energy


Thanks to our additional sponsors for their help!


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1. Learn how to use PBwiki: The PBwiki Manual

2. If you prefer video, watch a recording of our popular webinar, PBwiki 101: Your Guide to Wiki Basics.

3.. Need more help? Sign up for a Free introductory webinar


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